Thursday, February 11, 2010


  1. Hey Ben, so glad to see that you are going to be blogging about your time in Brazil! I blog too, not sure if you knew that, but I do & have been since Joseph was born... anyway I love to read other ppl's blog's, so I'll be keeping up with you as you blog & will pray for you!

    When I first came on here & saw the photo of you with the boy, my first impression was that you looked like you were at home sitting there beside him & could sense the Fathers pleasure over you as you put your arm around him. I then read your story & what a confirmation, God does have a purpose in you and Lucas meeting.

    Well, blessings to you brother!

  2. Thats awesome Ben! Couldn't make it to your going away party but have been following along with your journey. Keep the updates coming! blessings to you!
    Amand & Will
