Friday, February 19, 2010

From Friday to Wednesday my friend Thiago and I joined a team in Ouro Preto, where there
was a Carnaval festival going on.
This city is a very old Potuguese City a few hundred years old.
Carnaval is a place where a lot people come to party and drink and celebrate a pagan celebration.
So for 10 years YWAM has been taking a team to Ouro Preto to be a light in Christ to
a dark place. This was an amazing experience for me and all the team of 400 to 500 Christians that went to minister to around 50000 people. We have been welcomed by the local government to come and minister the Good News of Jesus Love to people in the city.
We had a marching parade where we played drums and sang to the crowds that Jesus Loves you, come to Jesus come to Jesus, Jesus is good, Jesus is King. The crowds joined in and sang with us and really received us, it was amazing!!
At night time we would go on the streets and minister and share about Jesus to teenagers, children and adults. We had a church where we would invite people to receive free counseling for
there life. Counseling is a big thing in Brazil. Many people received Jesus Christ as their Savior on the streets and in the counselling. We also had dance and drama teams performing on a main street where many people watched and were moved by the experience and connected with ywam ministers. In the basement of the church we had worship and prayer to God, going on all
night into the morning this was so powerful!!!!! The fire of the prayer and worship really opened up God to move through us to minister. Many of us were deeply impacted in the worship and prayer. The outreach was called Impact by the way.
It was really cool for me too because I got to share my personal story of How Jesus saved and delivered me from a destructive life. I had translaters who conveyed my story. myself and a friend personally got to lead one young guy to the Lord. And several others that We had spoke to received counselling and some received Christ. Praise the living Savior Jesus Christ!
We can safely say that we saw hundreds receive counseling and saw probably in the hundreds receive Christ.
What an awesome time in Christ for us all!
Bless you in Jesus Grace and Father's Love

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